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  • Plot No. 488, Block DF,
    Mtumba Area.
    P.O. Box 1183, Dododma
    United Republic of Tanzania
  • in**@ma*******.com
  • +255 7665 96699
  • Mon to Sat - 7:00 to 20:00
    (Sunday Closed)

MATULANYA (T) LIMITED logistic and supply division aims to be indispensable to our clients in the African continent by getting their products to market quickly, efficiently, and safely. We have a team of qualified and experienced experts with the knowledge and capacity to both operate and control a client’s entire value chain. We offer a win-win methodology by aiming to reduce costs and improve productivity.

Our main functional areas are transportation, warehousing, and distribution. We have enough fleet of trucks and equipment that are operated by highly professional persons, who are ready to pick and deliver the cargo of nearly any dimension and structure. Our clients can rest assured that every interaction will be driven by integrity, respect, and service quality which is are fundamental principles of our business.

Logistic & Supply: Our Services

Shipping Agent (Air, Road, and Sea)
Trans-shipment and Transportation
Sea and Air Cargo consolidation
Clearing and Forwarding
Onsite delivery upon request


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